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Micropython Concurrency: Mastering Timers and Interrupts

Micropython Concurrency: Mastering Timers and Interrupts

Concurrency in Micropython, especially on resource-constrained microcontrollers, can be a powerful tool. While true threading isn’t directly supported, Micropython offers clever alternatives: Timers and Interrupts. Let’s explore how to leverage them effectively.

Understanding the Basics

  • Timers: Think of timers as scheduled events. You program them to trigger a function call after a specific time interval or at a predefined frequency. This is excellent for tasks like periodic sensor readings or controlling actuators.
  • Interrupts: Interrupts are event-driven. They sit dormant until a specific hardware event occurs – a button press, a sensor threshold, etc. This makes them ideal for real-time responsiveness.

Working with Timers

  1. Initialization: Begin by importing the machine module and creating a Timer object. Micropython usually provides multiple timer channels (Timer0, Timer1, etc.).
import machine

timer = machine.Timer(0) 
  1. Callback Function: Define a function that will be executed when the timer triggers.
def timer_callback(timer):
    print("Timer Event!")
  1. Configuration: Use the init() method to configure the timer mode and link your callback function.

    • period: Time in milliseconds between events (for periodic timers)
    • mode: machine.Timer.ONE_SHOT for a single event, machine.Timer.PERIODIC for recurring events
timer.init(period=1000, mode=machine.Timer.PERIODIC, callback=timer_callback)  

Handling Interrupts

  1. Pin Setup: Configure the GPIO pin where you expect the interrupt.
pin = machine.Pin(12, machine.Pin.IN, machine.Pin.PULL_UP)
  1. Interrupt Handler: Write a function to process the interrupt. Keep it short and efficient.
def interrupt_handler(pin):
    print("Button Pressed!")
  1. Attaching the Interrupt: Use the irq() method to associate the interrupt handler with the pin.

    • trigger: Specify the trigger condition (e.g., machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING for a button press on a pull-up resistor)
pin.irq(trigger=machine.Pin.IRQ_FALLING, handler=interrupt_handler)

Pro Tips:

  • Non-Blocking Code: Both timer callbacks and interrupt handlers should execute quickly to avoid blocking the main Micropython thread. For longer operations, consider using flags or queues to signal the main thread.
  • Debouncing: Hardware can produce noisy signals. Implement debouncing techniques, especially for button interrupts, to prevent multiple spurious triggers.

Tags: Micropython, Concurrency, Timers, Interrupts, Embedded Systems, Hardware, Real-time

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